
Aahar Vidhi Vidhaan

The rules to eat the food is described wordily

There are 10 rules to follow while eating food

1. Hot
One should always eat warm food when served


2. Snigdha (Soft)


3. Quantative


4. When previous food is evenly digested then one should eat again


5. Do not eat food with opposite potency.

6. Eat food in one's favourite place or the place that the person like.


7. Do not eat food too fast
>As it can lead to blockage in food pipe.
>The food starts to travel upwards.

8. Nor eat food too slow
Eating food too slow can cause:
>Excessive eating

9. Eat food without laughing, talking etc.

10. Eat food upto one's desire.

About Blog

This blog is about the different rules (told by acharyas) about how to eat food.