This means the reasons through which one can determine if the food is good for health or not.
These are said to be 8 in number
If one follow these rules accordingly he/she can get lots of benefits
Prakriti (Nature)
The food's nature is of two types:
> Guru (Heavy): Milk, Sugarcane & Urad daal (Black gram)
> Laghu (Light): Moong Daal (Green Gram), Shali Chawal (Shali Rice), etc.
Karan (Preparation)
- The additional nutrients other than the natural one's present, is added through preparation.
These can be added via different ways:
> With water
> Through fire
> Through specific place
> Time
> Through chanting of mantras
Sanyog (Cohesion)
- Mixing two different dravyas is known as Sanyog
The mixing should not be done of the compounds which are different in
their nature.
For eg:
> Equal amounts of Honey & Ghee
> Fish & Milk
As these compositions are considered deadly.
Rashi (Measurement)
The benifit and harm of a specific food is determined through its
As too much or too less both can cause harm -
These are of two types:
> Sarvgraha: Intake of different food items in same quantity.
> Parigraha: Intake of different food items in different quantity.
Desha (Place)
The origin of a food determines its different properties
The medicines from Himalayas are the best in their properties.
Kaal (Time)
- Nityag: The food intake according to different seasons, day-night, age, etc.
- Awasthic: The food intake according to the disease or disorder.
- The one who eats food.
Upyoga Sanstha
- The different rules to eat food.
One should always keep these in mind when eating food to avoid any kind of damage to the body and mind.