
Shat Chakra's

In the ancient texts the knowledge about the shat chakra's (6 chakras) are given wordily.

These 6 chakra's are the source of enlightment according to acharyas

These are present at 6 different sites along the centre of the body. Constant meditation leads to the enlightment of these chakra's

Muladhar Chakra (Pelvic Plexus of Coccygeal)

Swadhishthan Chakra (Sacral hypogastric plexus)

Manipur Chakra (Lumbar of epigastric plexus)

Anahat Chakra (Coracis heart plexus)

Vishudh Chakra (plexus of purification)

Aagya Chakra (Basal ganglion of medulla)

Constant meditation leads to the enlightment of these chakra's

About Blog

This blog is about the 6 chakra's present throughout the body which when unlocked leads to enlightment .